STAT 3360 Notes

Table of Contents

1 Events

1.1 Random Experiment

  • A random experiment is an action or process that leads to one of several possible outcomes.
  • The outcomes of an experiment are represented by values of the relevant variable.
  • The experiment can be about a single variable or about two (or more) variables.

1.2 Random Experiment: One Variable

  • If the experiment is about a single varibale, then the outcomes are possible values of the variable.

1.2.1 Examples

  • if the experiment is about a single variable Height, then the outcomes can be "tall", "medium" or "short".

    Varibale outcome 1 outcome 2 outcome 3
    Height tall medium short
  • if the experiment is about a single variable Weight, then the outcomes can be "heavy", "medium" or "light".

    Varibale outcome 1 outcome 2 outcome 3
    Weight heavy medium light

1.3 Random Experiment: Two Variables

  • If the experiment is about two (or more) variables, then the outcomes are the combinations of the values of the two (or more) variables.

1.3.1 Example

  • For example, if the experiment is about two variables Height and Weight (ie, about (Height, Weight)), then
    • "height = tall" is NOT an outcome of this experiment because the experiment is about both Height and Weight while "height = tall" doesn't give information about Weight.
    • the outcome of this experiment should be (tall, heavy) or (tall, medium weight) or (tall, light) or (medium height, heavy) or (medium height, medium weight) or (medium height, light) or (short, heavy) or (short, medium weight) or (short, light).

      Outcome heavy medium light
      tall (tall, heavy) (tall, medium weight) (tall, light)
      medium (medium height, heavy) (medium height, medium weight) (medium height, light)
      short (short, heavy) (short, medium weight) (short, light)

1.4 Simple Event

  • An individual outcome of an experiment is called a simple event.

1.4.1 Example: A Single Variable

  • If the experiment is about a single variable Height, then
    • "the student is tall" is a simple event

      Height tall medium short
      The Event \(\checkmark\)    
    • "the student is medium in height" is a simple event

      Height tall medium short
      The Event   \(\checkmark\)  
    • "the student is short" is a simple event

      Height tall medium short
      The Event     \(\checkmark\)

1.4.2 Example: Two Variables

  • If the experiment is about both Height and Weight, then
    • "the student is tall and heavy" is a simple event of the experiment

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall \(\checkmark\)    
    • "the student is tall and meidum in weight" is a simple event of the experiment

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall   \(\checkmark\)  
    • there are totally 9 simple events in this example.

1.5 Event

  • An event is a set of one or more simple events of an experiment.

1.5.1 Example: A Single Variable

  • If the experiment is about a single variable Height, then
    • "the student is tall" is a simple event and thus an event

      Height tall medium short
      The Event \(\checkmark\)    
    • "the student is tall or short" is an event but not a simple event because it consists of more than 1 simple events

      Height tall medium short
      The Event \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)

1.5.2 Example: Two Variables

  • If the experiment is about both Height and Weight, then
    • "the student is tall and heavy" is a simple event and thus an event

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall \(\checkmark\)    
    • "the student is tall and not heavy" is an event but not a simple event because it consists of more than 1 simple events

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall   \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)

1.6 Complement Event

  • The complement of event A is the event that occurs when event A does not occur, which is denoted by AC.
  • The complement event can be either a simple event or not, which depends on the situation.

1.6.1 Example: A Single Variable

  • If the experiment is about a single variable Height, then
    • the complement of A = "the student is tall" is

      AC = "the student is not tall" = "the student is short or medium"

      Height tall medium short
      The Event A AC AC
    • the complement of A = "the student is tall or short" is

      AC = "the student is not tall and not short" = "the student is medium in height"

      Height tall medium short
      The Event A AC A

1.6.2 Example: Two Variables

  • If the experiment is about both Height and Weight, then
    • the complement of A = "the student is tall and heavy" is

      AC = "the student is not tall or not heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall A AC AC
      medium AC AC AC
      short AC AC AC
    • the complement of A = "the student is tall or heavy" is

      AC = "the student is not tall and not heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall A A A
      medium A AC AC
      short A AC AC

1.7 Intersection of Events

  • The intersection of events A and B is the event that occurs when both A and B occur, which is denoted by [ A and B ].
  • The intersection event can be either a simple event or not, which depends on the situation.

1.7.1 Example: A Single Variable

  • If the experiment is about a single variable Height, then
    • the intersection between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is short" is

      [ A and B ] = "the student is both tall and short" = "impossible"

      Height tall medium short
      Event A \(\checkmark\)    
      Event B     \(\checkmark\)
      Event [ A and B ] \(\times\) \(\times\) \(\times\)
    • the intersection between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is not short" is

      [ A and B ] = "the student is tall and not short" = "the student is tall"

      Height tall medium short
      Event A \(\checkmark\)    
      Event B \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)  
      Event [ A and B ] \(\checkmark\) \(\times\) \(\times\)
    • the intersection between A = "the student is not tall" and B = "the student is not short" is

      [ A and B ] = "the student is not tall and not short" = "the student is medium in height"

      Height tall medium short
      Event A   \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)
      Event B \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)  
      Event [ A and B ] \(\times\) \(\checkmark\) \(\times\)

1.7.2 Example: Two Variables

  • If the experiment is about both Height and Weight, then
    • the intersection between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is heavy" is

      [ A and B ] = "the student is tall and heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall [ A and B ] A A
      medium B    
      short B    
    • the intersection between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is not heavy" is

      [ A and B ] = "the student is tall and not heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall A [ A and B ] [ A and B ]
      medium   B B
      short   B B
    • the intersection between A = "the student is not tall" and B = "the student is not heavy" is

      [ A and B ] = "the student is not tall and not heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall   B B
      medium A [ A and B ] [ A and B ]
      short A [ A and B ] [ A and B ]

1.8 Union of Events

  • The union of events A and B is the event that occurs when either A or B occurs (ie, only A occurs, or only B occurs, or both A and B occur), which is denoted by [ A or B ].
  • The union event can be either a simple event or not, which depends on the situation.

1.8.1 Example: A Single Variable

  • If the experiment is about a single variable Height, then
    • the union between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is short" is

      [ A or B ] = "the student is tall or short"

      Height tall medium short
      Event A \(\checkmark\)    
      Event B     \(\checkmark\)
      Event [ A or B ] \(\checkmark\) \(\times\) \(\checkmark\)
    • the union between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is not short" is

      [ A or B ] = "the student is tall or not short"

      Height tall medium short
      Event A \(\checkmark\)    
      Event B \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)  
      Event [ A or B ] \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\) \(\times\)
    • the union between A = "the student is not tall" and B = "the student is not short" is

      [ A or B ] = "the student is not tall or not short"

      Height tall medium short
      Event A   \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)
      Event B \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)  
      Event [ A or B ] \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)

1.8.2 Example: Two Variables

  • If the experiment is about both Height and Weight, then
    • the union between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is heavy" is

      [ A or B ] = "the student is tall or heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall [ A or B ] [ A or B ] [ A or B ]
      medium [ A or B ]    
      short [ A or B ]    
    • the union between A = "the student is tall" and B = "the student is not heavy" is

      [ A or B ] = "the student is tall or not heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall [ A or B ] [ A or B ] [ A or B ]
      medium   [ A or B ] [ A or B ]
      short   [ A or B ] [ A or B ]
    • the union between A = "the student is not tall" and B = "the student is not heavy" is

      [ A or B ] = "the student is not tall or not heavy"

      The Event heavy medium light
      tall   [ A or B ] [ A or B ]
      medium [ A or B ] [ A or B ] [ A or B ]
      short [ A or B ] [ A or B ] [ A or B ]

1.9 Rule for Union, Intersection and Complement

  • [ A or B ]C = [AC and BC].

    That is, "either…or…" (ie. [ A or B ]) and "neither…nor…" (ie, [ AC and BC ]) are complementary to each other.

  • [ A and B ]C = [AC or BC]

    That is, "both…and…" (ie. [ A and B ]) and "at least one not" (ie, [ AC or BC ]) are complementary to each other.

  • The informal proofs of the above rules will be shown in the next section.

1.10 Rephrasing Complicated Events

  • Both A and B happen

    \(\iff\) (A happens) and at the same time (B happens)

    \(\iff\) [ A and B ] happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{intersection}}\)

      A AC
    B \(\checkmark\)  
  • Either A or B happens

    \(\iff\) (only A happens) or (only B happens) or (both A and B happens)

    \(\iff\) [ A or B ] happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{union}}\)

      A AC
    B \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)
    BC \(\checkmark\)  
  • At least one of A and B happens

    \(\iff\) (only A happens) or (only B happens) or (both A and B happens)

    \(\iff\) [ A or B ] happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{union}}\)

      A AC
    B \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)
    BC \(\checkmark\)  
  • Neither A nor B happens

    \(\iff\) (A does not happen) and at the same time (B does not happen)

    \(\iff\) (AC happens) and at the same time (BC happens)

    \(\iff\) both AC and BC happen

    \(\iff\) [ AC and BC ] happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{intersection of complements}}\)

      A AC
    BC   \(\checkmark\)
  • Neither A nor B happens

    \(\iff\) (A does not happen) and at the same time (B does not happen)

    \(\iff\) the opposite of (at least one of A and B happens)

    \(\iff\) the opposite of (either A or B happens)

    \(\iff\) the opposite of (A or B happens)

    \(\iff\) the opposite of [ A or B ] happens

    \(\iff\) [ A or B ]C happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{complement of union}}\)

      A AC
    B \(\times\) \(\times\)
    BC \(\times\) \(\checkmark\)
  • At most one of A and B happens

    \(\iff\) (only A happens) or (only B happens) or (neither A nor B happens)

    \(\iff\) opposite of (both A and B happen)

    \(\iff\) (both A and B happen)C

    \(\iff\) [ A and B ]C happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{complement of intersection}}\)

      A AC
    B \(\times\) \(\checkmark\)
    BC \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)
  • At most one of A and B happens

    \(\iff\) at least one of A and B does not happen

    \(\iff\) (only A does not happen) or (only B does not happen) or (neither A nor B happens)

    \(\iff\) (only AC happens) or (only BC happens) or (both AC and BC happen)

    \(\iff\) [ AC or BC ] happens \(\boxed{\leftarrow\text{union of complements}}\)

      A AC
    B   \(\checkmark\)
    BC \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)
  • Comment

    From the "neither…nor…" cases and the "at most…" cases, we see that

    • [ A or B ]C = [AC and BC]
    • [ A and B ]C = [AC or BC]

    which are just the two rules in the previous section.

2 References

  • Keller, Gerald. (2015). Statistics for Management and Economics, 10th Edition. Stamford: Cengage Learning.

Yunfei Wang

2016-02-11 Thu 23:19