STAT 3360 Notes

Table of Contents

1 Summary of One and Two Pop. Inference

1.1 One Population

1.1.1 Population Mean

  • Known Population Standard Deviation
    • Use standard Normal \(Z\) critical values
  • Unknown Population Standard Deviation
    • Use \(t_{n-1}\) critical values

1.1.2 Population Variance

  • Use \(\chi^2_{n-1}\) critical values

1.1.3 Population Proportion

  • Use standard Normal \(Z\) critical values

1.2 Two populations

1.2.1 Difference between Population Means

  • Matched Pairs
    • Use \(t_{n-1}\) critical values
  • Two Independent Populations
    • With Equal Variances
      • Use \(t_{n_X + n_Y - 2}\) critical value
    • With Unequal Variances
      • Use \(t_{\nu}\) critical value

1.2.2 Ratio between Population Variances

  • Not discussed and not required by this course. Use \(F\) critical value. Section 13.4 of the textbook.

1.2.3 Difference between Population Proportions

  • Testing \(H_0: p_X - p_Y = 0\)
    • Use standard Normal \(Z\) critical values
    • One version of test statistic
  • Testing \(H_0: p_X - p_Y = d_0\) where \(d_0 \neq 0\)
    • Use standard Normal \(Z\) critical values
    • Another version of test statistic

2 References

  • Keller, Gerald. (2015). Statistics for Management and Economics, 10th Edition. Stamford: Cengage Learning.

Yunfei Wang

2016-04-05 Tue 06:21